Thursday, February 18, 2021 Meeting

Please join us for our February meeting 6:30 PM Thursday, February 18. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Barbara Durrant.
Dr. Barbara Durrant serves San Diego Zoo Global as the Henshaw Endowed Director of Reproductive Sciences. Her division studies reproductive biology, endocrinology, and behavior, and develops innovative methods to encourage species reproduction. In addition to gamete physiology and assisted reproduction studies in mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, her staff conducts research in stem cell culture and transfer, endocrine disruption, and the development and validation of hormone assays for a wide variety of species. She currently mentors a doctoral student studying the reproduction and behavior of sloth bears in India.
Zoom Link to Meeting (It will be active 6:00 PM Thursday)
Meeting Agenda
6:30 to 7:00
General Discussion
Social time
Current events and issues
Results of ADEM election–Marilyn Riley
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of the agenda
Treasurer’s report –Eugene Cook.
Membership–Eugene Cook
Addition to bylaws [membership: family & friends]
Guest Speaker:
Barbara Durrant, PhD
Henshaw Chair, Director of Reproductive Sciences
San Diego Zoo Global 25 to 30 mins
Questions 7:45 to 8:00
8:00 to 8:15
Biden stimulus package–Richard Young
8:15 to 8:30
COVID19 Vaccines