October 15th Meeting
Our next meeting will be NEXT WEEK! Yikes!! I hope that our meetings are on your calendars, so you are not surprised when it’s time for our meeting. Remember, we meet the THIRD THURSDAY of each month, rain or shine — mostly shine. 

Our speaker this month is the president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 221, David Garcias.
SEIU is an important union whose members work for public institutions, such as our county Health and Human Services agency. Doc Wood, our voter registration chairman is a member who secured the services of David for us. (Thanks, DOC!) Our speaker will share with us information not generally available to the public about working for our county supervisors. SO, if you want to get this news from the source, please come. Bring a friend, or two, or even more.

Remember, we now meet at MJ’s Restaurant, 526 North Second Street, El Cajon, CA. Those who want to dine and socialize come at 6 p.m to enjoy cuisine from Greece, Mexico, and the good old USA. Those want to join for the meeting, only, come at 7 p.m.
Bonnie Price
P.S. Remember to watch our fine candidates on the evening of October 13! NO clowns in our Democratic act!!