July 21st Meeting – Sand Mining in El Monte Valley
Our next General Meeting is Thursday July 21, 2016. Come have FUN and enjoy the evening with friends of like mind.
7 p.m. for the meeting or come at 6 p.m. to dine and socialize. As you know, we meet at Jimmy’s Family Restaurant, 9635 Mission Gorge Rd, Santee, CA. the third Thursday of every month.
This month we will have two El Monte Valley activists Ana Nita and Billy Ortiz, as our guest speakers.
I can’t say much more about these people than Ana did in this Californian article.
They have an example of what is planned for El Monte Valley, in this YouTube video.
We are fortunate to have these people working on our side to preserve what we have here in East County. So, please come listen to what they have to say and what we can do to help. They also, have a Facebook page, that you should like, because they mean business.
P.S. I hope they do not mind my borrowing these pictures from their Facebook page.