January 21st Meeting

Happy New Year!

We are starting a brand new year with new officers, new topics and more fun than last year!

January 21, 2016, Thursday is our first meeting of the year.  7 p.m. for the meeting or,  come at 6 p.m. to dine and socialize.  As you know, we meet at MJ’s Restaurant, 526 North Second Street, El Cajon, CA.

Our speakers will be Susan Kobara and T.Todd Elvins from Citizens’ Climate LobbyCCL-Logo-H2 Economists worldwide agree that the simplest, cheapest, and most effective solution to global warming is to charge fossil fuel companies a steadily rising fee on the carbon in the oil, coal, and gas they extract, and refund 100% of the fee to US Households as a dividend. In this upbeat solution-focused presentation, we will discuss how this policy creates jobs, grows GDP, increases household income, saves lives, improves US competitiveness, and protects our planet. A short video about Citizen’s Climate Lobby on YouTube.


Susan Kobara is a volunteer with Citizens Climate Lobby.  January21AShe advocates for climate change solutions with local government and Members of  Congress and educates and inspires citizens to create political will.  In her “day job,” she works with financial advisors on risk management, specifically, helping clients plan for healthcare costs in retirement.  She holds a BA from the City University of New York and an MBA from Loyola Marymount University.

T Todd Elvins is an engineer, entrepreneur and executive January21Bwith 25-years of leadership success.  For ten years starting in 1988, he teamed with earth, ocean, and space scientists at the University of California San Diego Supercomputer Center.  Today, Elvins serves on the executive team at a San Diego cleantech company and is a volunteer at Citizens’ Climate Lobby.  He holds a PhD in Engineering from UCSD.

I hope to see you there!!!

Diana Picone
