February 18th Meeting

We have a meeting of the East County Democratic Club, on Thursday, February 18, 2016.  Our speaker will be a representative from St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center, who will share news about the work they do for adults with developmental disabilities.  You can see something of what they do at their web site:  http://stmsc.org/  This is very special work, which not many communities have access.  We will learn how we can support their necessary work as part of the social safety net.  We hope that you will be able to join us.stmsc-50-logo-01
As you know, we meet at MJ’s Restaurant, 526 North Second Street, El Cajon, CA 92020.  If you come early at 6 p.m., you can socialize/dine with members of our club and guests.  During this particular pre-meeting event, 71st AD candidate Jerald Larkey will run his DVD of California Attorney General Kamala Harris’s campaign visit to SEIU Local 221 a month or so ago.   (That local is one that our Third Vice President DOC Wood is a member.  Just ask him about the photo in which he stood proudly by the AG!!)   Emoji
At 7 p.m. sharp, President Diana Picone will start the meeting with the St. Madeleine’s representative speaking.  Sharing the meeting time will be Port Commissioner Rafael Castellanos, an attorney who is seeking the San Diego City Attorney’s office in this year’s election. (We endorsed him during a recent meeting.)  We will also have a chance to meet Lemon Grove City Councilman and candidate for mayor George Gastil, and perhaps, his opponent, City Councilwoman, Racquel Vasquez.  George has asked for our endorsement.  (His mother, Janet, is a member of our club, as well as a life member of our San Diego County party’s governing central committee, plus a state party official.)  There is a possibility that other candidates will also be there, because they are making the rounds for the June primary, even our past president, Frank Tsimboukakis, candidate for the 5th council district in the city of San Diego.
It appears that we have one jam-packed meeting, ahead!!  SO, do COME!!!  Bring a friend or two, or even MORE!!  We invite all registered Democrats to join.  If you have not yet re-joined our club for 2016, please pay online at our website: https://ecdcweb.net/.  Of course, you can write a check and hand it to Eugene Cook, treasurer/webmaster at our meeting. Our dues are $25/person or $40/couple.
Final note:  Today Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonin Scalia died in Texas of natural causes.  He was 79.  We remember his service in this position of high responsibility.  We send our condolences to his family.  In the days ahead, our President Obama will have a heavy slog to secure another justice with the Republican Senate in charge of approving another appointee.  Lots of luck to all of us on this process.
See you on Thursday!!
For President Diana Picone, who regrets that her technology has bit the dust,
P.S.  If you know anyone who is a registered Democrat, living in East County, and who like to serve her/his community, we have 210 positions open for the November election.  In some communities that have planning groups, fire district boards, school boards, and water district boards, there are currently open seats.  Most of these boards do not have compensation attached, so doing the work is totally volunteer work.  PLEASE GIVE ME CONTACTS and ways to reach them if you have someone to suggest.  Many thanks for helping keep democracy alive!!!